causalDisco 0.9.3
- Changed structure of tpdag and tskeleton objects so they include tamat objects
rather than amat and order slots. This is a major change, not backwards
- tpc now passes ... argument to skeleton() function call
- Added functionality in tpc to handle missing information when using built-in
tests. Three options are now available: complete case analysis, test wise deletion,
or no handling (i.e., and error is thrown if there are NAs, this is the default and
it is backwards compatible).
causalDisco 0.9.2
- Fixed bug in maketikz() function so it now works with tpdag and tamat objects,
and added examples to the documentation.
causalDisco 0.9.1 (2022-05-12)
- Added three new functions: simDAG, simGausFromDAG, nDAGs.
- Changed structure of tamat objects so they inherit directly from matrix.
causalDisco 0.9.0
- Added a file to track changes to the package.
- First CRAN submission.